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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Tara VanDerVeer: Disguising Your Quick Hitters for Man and Zone

Tara VanDerVeer: Disguising Your Quick Hitters for Man and Zone

Get 48 quick hitting sets

Learn plays that allow you to isolate your best player

Keep the defense guessing by running counters and disguises to your plays

Create overloads to confuse any zone defense

Tara VanDerveer: Women's Basketball Hall of Fame, Over 750 career wins

with Tara VanDerveer, Head Coach, Stanford Women's Basketball; Women's Basketball Hall of Fame, Over 750 career wins, and 9x Pac-10 Coach of the Year

Buy Now:
Tara VanDerVeer: Disguising Your Quick Hitters for Man and Zone - Basketball -- Championship Productions, Inc.

Which go-to plays do you turn to when the game is on the line and you need a quick basket from your best player?

In this comprehensive instructional DVD from Championsip Productions, Women's Basketball Hall of Famer Tara VanDerveer shows you her favorite quick hitter plays for creating easy baskets.

Get lay ups in less than three passes using three quick entries from the 1-4 High Post set up. From these three entries, VanDerveer adds 10 different twists that provide counters to keep defenses from cheating your plays. Keep the defense guessing by running these plays out of a stack or box set. Your team can confuse the defense without having to learn new plays.

Facing a zone? VanDerveer shares four quick sets out of a single guard start that all can be run out of a stack set. In an attempt to confuse the zone and create overloads, VanDerveer shows a play that is run with two guards and a triple stack that instantly creates match-up problems for the zone.

Overall, you get 48 sets and counters that will allow you to make quick scores on your opponent and keep them guessing every time!

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