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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Lawrence Frank: Close Out Defense and Pick & Roll Offense

Lawrence Frank: Close Out Defense and Pick & Roll Offense

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Lawrence Frank: Close Out Defense and Pick & Roll Offense - Basketball -- Championship Productions, Inc.
  • Get NBA drills and philosophies that have proven successful
  • Learn to protect the paint with suffocating closeout techniques
  • Give your ball handlers multiple screening options using the pick and roll offense

with Lawrence Frank,
Boston Celtics Assistant Coach, former New Jersey Nets Head Coach

Lawrence Frank delivers proven NBA concepts that are valuable to any high school or college program.

Coaching Philosophy
Coach Frank begins with a discussion on coaching philosophy and the importance of your players knowing and believing in that philosophy. He shares some helpful pointers you can use to get your players to "want what you want" and work for a common goal.

Closeout Defense
Train your players to take away your opponent's shot, deny the post pass and direct the dribble using three drills that Frank uses with the Boston Celtics. These drills teach the proper footwork and technique for defensive closeouts while working on guarding the ball, sprinting to the ball on the pass, and helping with a cutter.

Frank also includes instruction on transition defense by demonstrating his 5-on-4 scramble drill. These defensive concepts help illustrate his defensive philosophy: Protect the paint, closeout to contest the 3-point shot and communicate.

Pick and Roll Offense
Maintain the flow of your offense even if your set play doesn't work by using the pick and roll. Frank breaks down the four S's for the ball handler in the pick and roll offense:

* Starting point - Know where to start the pick and roll based on the angle of the screen and how the defense is playing you and your abilities as a player.
* Set up - Help the screener get the best angle by positioning your self to beat your man.
* Separation - Create separation from your defender while moving toward the basket.
* Score

From there, Frank breaks down the hardest pick and roll to defend - the straight on pick and roll. He shows a basic pick and roll set, a double pick and roll set, and four other actions that will give your ball handler the option on who to use as a screen. In addition, this set up allows you to flow to different alignments that play to the strengths of your team and that give you multiple options from one alignment.

Coach Frank gives great insight on his coaching style that relates to all levels of basketball. Learn how developing team philosophy, core values, and a team culture will results in togetherness in the locker room and on the court for your team.

Install these proven concepts and drills into your program today and start reaping the benefits of Frank's extensive basketball experience.

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